Homo ludens: nuevas respuestas arquitectónicas a escala doméstica en la sociedad del bienestar

Autor/a: Domínguez Casanova, Alba

Titor/a: Dr. Óscar Pedrós Fernández

Vista aérea de México DF


A arquitectura debe ser un reflexo da sociedade que a necesita. Definindo o ser contemporáneo como o home que xoga indágase nas suas necesidades espaciais a escala doméstica. A incongruencia entre o proxecto arquitectónico de vivenda, ancorado en estándares modernos, e a realidade actual dirixe o traballo na procura de novas formas para a arquitectura. Partindo do principio de liberdade de elección e de singularidade do individuo trátanse diferentes niveis de relación do habitante co entorno que permiten organizar as novas respostas segundo os seus graos de introversión

The architecture should be a reflection of the society who needs it. Defining the contemporary human being as the man who plays, we can find out his space needs to domestic scale. The inconsistency between the architectural housing project, still anchored in the modern standards, and the current reality guides the work to the search of new shapes for the architecture. If we start from the freedom of choice and the singularity of the individual principles, we are dealing with different levels of the inhabitant’s relation with the environment that let us organizing the new answers depending on its degrees of introversion.

Palabras chave

Homo ludens, vivenda, arquitectura e sociedade

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